Friday, April 25, 2008

Playing with my Camera

Here are just some pictures of what I do when I play with my camera! Enjoy!

Picture of a weird looking shaped sticky tack on a glowing star....would be better if the star was glowing too!!

Ah! There we go. A glow-in-the-dark star with sticky tack shaped like......something weird.

Picture of my sunglasses!

I like this picture a lot. The details are cool! <3 Black and white photos!

Last picture I'm showing is my guitar!


Swirlee said...

lol jeffo you are sooo random =) I like the first star and stickytac picture, and the necklace one =)

how is packing/moving out going? I'm assuming that's why you had stars and sticky tac :P

vck said...

paha. come on jeffos! i'm waiting for a "real" post :P

butyou should post up your cool fav colour pictures, because they are awesome, and i wish my camera could do that

Janine said...

Hi jeffo! I never see you anymore at hsb... but it was nice seeing you while we were both moving!! haha that was random! Nice pictures by the way! Keep on trekking ok? Trust in the Lord and be patient! =) See you in the summer!