Sunday, April 12, 2009

The End and New Beginning

Classes have officially finished last week and I miss it already. Yes, that's right, I like class. Class gives me something to do and not have to worry about finding stuff to do to fill in my time. It also makes me come to school where I can see everyone!

It's weird how after these last few weeks, I won't be coming back in September for school anymore. I always just left London and didn't feel any sadness that I had to go home. But now that it has hit me that I won't be returning, all the memories I've made here are starting to make me not want to leave. (Maybe I should pull a Doreen or Caleb :p.) I hope I can hitch a ride from someone and come back to visit sometime :).

I remember talking to grads from other years about how time flies after each year, and they said it flies even faster in 4th year. And I have to agree, it sure does. I wished school was 12 full months instead of 8 months. It would be exhausting but it gives us more time to spend with each other and make more friends. I've only begun to get to know the frosh and it's already seems too late! I want to know how the other grads did it when they had to leave. How did they leave here?

I was able to learn so much during my university career. As I said during sharing time at this years ACF banquet, friendship is one of the things we shouldn't overlook in university. I know first hand the great things friendship can bring. Laughter, honesty, accountability, company, support, encouragement and FUN! It hit me during the worship session at banquet how I loved to be here and how much I'd miss it here. Being able to go out to eat randomly at someone's house. Playing games until 4am. Using school's internet bandwidth to watch shows and play games. Playing snow football during superbowl season. But most of all, just doing random things with friends.

I'm not sure if people know why I go to Einsteins so much. Yeah, I study there a lot in the morning and stuff, but it's also to be able to see all the familiar faces that walk by. It's kind of what Kan said during his sharing about how being able to see people and just giving him a nod made him feel great. Being able to hang out with friends, laughing at stupid jokes, making people feel awkward, or just simply studying together was a joy. Seeing Einsteins empty makes me sad and with nothing to do except to wander and try to find everyone.

I do feel sad that I have to leave and move on to be mature, but I guess that's the process of life. Some things have to come to an end but there is always a new door opening for a new beginning. Just taking that first step isn't always as easy as you think it would be.

My thoughts were pretty random it seemed, but I hope it all made some sense. May everyone excel in their exams and studies.


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