Friday, December 08, 2006

Crazy Beautiful

Haha, stole "Crazy Beautiful" from Ernie who stole it from the actual movie to describe outside. I woke up yesterday to find outside to be filled with the white pure snow. Some areas still untouched by our dirty shoes and hands, but for those that have been are already being covered. Reminds me of how Jesus "covered" for our sins [ie. our dirty shoes and hands (sins) have been covered (taken away) by the white pure snow (Jesus)]. Even though I'm not that big of a fan of snow, the beauty of it makes me want to jump in the snow and forget about all my troubles. But I didn't do that, instead I tried to work. Somehow that didn't work out as planned.

I started off the day at around 10:00am and ate + watched anime until 12:30pm. After that, I tried to buckle down and get some serious work done. But instead of doing that, I popped in a dvd full of anime and started to watch it. In between I got some work done, some naps in and some food down as well. I would say: 55% anime, 30% sleep, 5% eat, 10% work. I felt kind of bad for doing so little work. But around 10:00pm, J.Liu adds me to a large conversation and we all decide to go tobagganing down UC Hill. This was the chance for me to jump in that wonderful snow, and so I did. J.Liu was right, I would have regretted it if I didn't go. IT WAS AWESOME!!! One of the most fun I've had in years. It was cold but it was worth it.

So Ernie comes around to Summit to pick people up for the fun. He shows up at my house with his new rain pants which he just ripped when putting them on. He parks his car and I helped him clear the snow off his car while he gathered people. I went around the car at least 5 times and it was still covered by snow! We had some trouble with vision but we still arrived safely on campus. We had to use the trays Ken had to dig a parking spot for Ernie, that was a new experience. After that, off we went to the Hill. Met up with J.Liu where he tackled everyone almost to the ground except Tiff and me. Started to make our own slide down the hill and it was hilarious. All the different things we did was so funny and fun. Backwards, Superman and Torpedo. We even got a race going since we had two slides. By the end of the night, we were all cold, freezing and happy. Ernie's rain pants turned into a skirt, Mike was frozen stiff, and the rest of us were just cold and tired. It was all worth it though.

It really was crazy beautiful. How amazing that something this beautiful and crazy was created by Him. Ah, just thought of something. The falling snow = Jesus coming down! Awh, so many representations snow can make, hahaha.

Stay healthy and have fun in the snow! But also do your studies as well! Good luck everyone and +oil!


pi said...

hmm our dirty sins taken away by Jesus.. via a snow analogy.. nice ^_^

it makes me think of that song - Jesus Paid It All

The chorus goes:

Jesus paid it all,
All to Him I owe;
Sin had left a crimson stain,
He washed it white as snow.

^_^ your day sounds glorious, even if you didn't get much work done =)
Praise the Lord for such wonderful experiences =D

speaking about anime... Bleach ep 106 (this week's) ... he he he
Op + Ed = previews for the Bleach Movie!! ^_^.v. *drools + does a little happy dance*
hehe take care and study hard =)

Jesse said...

Hey Jeff, hear you've been really growing in the Lord and moving in His steps! Didn't get a chance to see you this past 2 weekends in London, hope everything is going well with you. Good luck in your exams!


Loey said...

ahhhh the snow WAS crazy beautiful.. so good so good... toboganning the next night too... mhmmm so worth it. tackled yun-ping :D