School Creeps Near Again
As the holidays come to a close, I kind of reflect back on what happened in first semester and during holidays. Lots of work was involved but also a lot of fun. Passed all my courses but am I happy with them? Obviously not, but what more can I ask for? I passed, that was all I wanted after finishing all the exams. Seems like a lot of wasted time studying since the results were still that bad. Need a different method of studying. Probably spend less time studying and if I am studying, make it effective. Easier said than done. If anyone needs me, I'll be at Einsteins again.
Loads of fun living at Summit and it's only been one semester! All the gaming, raiding and chatting that goes on there is amazing. The experience of living outside is great. Tough but great. Going out to hang with people is awesome too! All the good food that was eaten, all the good conversations that were spoken.
Can't believe so much can happen in such a short time. Can't believe one semester passed by so fast either. If this keeps up, it'll be 4th in no time and then 30 years old creeps even nearer! But I'm sure whatever happens, the memories will be awesome. Hopefully I'll remember them all because I suck at remember unless if it somehow got embedded in my brain. Burned right in the frontal lobe (hope that's the right lobe).
Can't wait for second semester! Can't wait for retreat! Can't wait for more hot pot! Can't wait for everything! Can't wait for God to show me more!!
In Christ,
yiay for excitement!
it's so wonderful to hear about the great things that have been going on for you and that God has taught you and blessed you with and to read about your excitement for the future =)
haha i find that each year gets better and better, but goes by faster and faster... =)
Praise the Lord for all He has shown + given + provided ^_^
hehe raiding.. i love your house.. so much food =P
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