Happy New Year to everyone! The new year has finally come and I hope everyone welcomes it with open arms. Lots of things happened in 2006 and hopefully those memories will stay in my brain long enough for me to enjoy them again. Even if I don't, there will be new memories waiting for me in 2007 that will be more enjoyable and exciting.
Finally finished Romans and even though I know I missed a whole bunch of important things, I was still able to learn so much from it. Had a little review of it by going through it quickly looking at my highlighted parts. And all the thoughts I had on those sections or phrases came right back. It was great!! Now I'm off to Psalms and Song of Songs.
Hope everyone finishes their holidays with a good note so then you'll have a BIG smile :D when you struggle back to work or school. Hope all those that went to Urbana, Passion, One Thing or anything else had a wonderful time. Can't wait for ALL of you to share your experiences!
HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In Christ,
1 comment:
^_^ x 10^1000
hopefully my lack of real math since Gr. 12 has properly produced the effect of a "big smile" =)
hehe it's supposed to be times 10 to the power of 1000
hehe glad you learned so much from Romans - and just wait 'till you read it again! Haha i love how as we grow and learn God brings us to different levels where we are able to be challenged and grown further in the Truth and from reading His Word. so even if you have read a book before, as we grow closer to God, we get more or different things out of what we read that continue apply to our situation at the time.
haha i hope that made sense ^_^
hmm random other thought.. looking at you describing the new year as a struggle.. i guess at first I was thinking this was kind of >.< but then, it is through struggles and testing that we are refined and made stronger and better and can grow closer to God ^_^ Like the fire and pressure in the refining of metals to make them pure... hehe I think it's a good way of looking at family too - every struggle where family comes together and overcomes obstacles, brings people closer.
haha okay, no more rambling ^_^ thanks for inspiration + smiles =D
God bless + take care. Keep on after Him!
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