Monday, October 16, 2006


It's been a long and not so tired day. So you may be guessing why my title is "1,2,3...". Well it all started at the Taylor library. Karen, Charis and I went there after Biostat class to do some studying before Orgo. We went from the very top floor to the second last floor to find a seat. So we all settled in our own little cubicles with graffiti all over them. I looked up at the table number and it said "G123". The 123 reminded me of where Rachel, Vic, Tracy and Aiv lived in Elgin. Anyways, I took out my Orgo texts to study and turned to the index to find the page. And again, the page number was, you guessed it, 123. I was like "Whoa, what's going on here.". Yeah, it was kind of freaky but I just shrugged it off. So while I was studying, I came upon mechanisms for reactions of alkenes and other stuff. And those had 3 steps to them (step 1...step 2...step 3..., get the connection?). So this got me thinking about why I kept seeing all these 123's.

I pretty much came up with nothing, hahaha. Fooled ya! Yeah, it was kind of meaningless. The only thing I could think of was that there were steps we had to follow in life. Step 1, step 2 and then step 3. Not in any other order. But that seemed kind of stupid.

*Pause to think about it some more now*

I guess this can connect back to yesterday's blog. Step 1: God loved. Step 2: Then we loved. Step 3: err..can't think of anything for here. I don't really know what this really means. It just seemed like God was trying to say something to me but I don't understand it at all. I feels like I should know what it's about and it's right at the tip of my tongue but just can't seem to spit it out. Maybe it will come to me later or maybe not.

If you think you have an answer to this "123", please leave a comment or message me online after you finish reading this. Thank you, bye bye!

In Christ,


enochtang said...

easy as 123? lol~ God loves, we love, GG? lol~

it look forward to your blog now that i remember its existance.

Loey said...

step 3: the cycle continues

pi said...

aww so many good 3rd options..

how about..
1. God loves
2. We love
3. Lather and repeat

(hehe please note no "rinse" action)
- sometimes i feel like we just need to rub the truth of the love into our brains and souls.. haha b/c we're silly and we forget..

take care ^_^

theresa :) said...

aahh i know the feeling of God trying to teach you something through seemingly silly/meaningless ways! thanks for sharing..

God loves. we love. does there have to be a 3? hmm.. haha there ARE so many possibilities......

sonj said...

ok so i know this post is from months before, but today is a snow day, ok? its a magical secret day so it doesnt have to keep conventions.
anyway just wanted to say that your thoughts have encouraged me and made me think and also just warmed my heart, does that make sense? hmm. hmm and my 2 cents.. maybe: 1.God loves us 2.We love God 3.We (are enabled to) love others (properly). anyway just a thought