Monday, October 02, 2006

Man, it has been a long time since I've written a blog. Well, lets start in the summer. In August, my family moved from Scarborough to Unionville. What this means is I moved from a townhouse to a realllllllly nice house, lol. I miss my old house since all my memories of my life come from that house. But I am sure that this new house will bring me as much joy and hopefully more than my old house. Packing was horrendous and I never want to move again, lol. It's great for Simba, our family dog, since he's always so hyper and active. The larger area to run around will help him get the exercise he needs.
So in the beginning of September, I moved back to London to start another school year at UWO. Guess what, there was more packing and unpacking. But at least this time around it was with a new bunch of people. Introducing the members of Summit 4: Hiram, Abe, Simon and Andrew. Oh yeah, me as well. Living with them has been pretty great. We all get along by gaming a lot, lol. No fights yet and hopefully there won't be any. School work has been piling up and keeps on piling up. So I really need to settle down and do more work in one day instead of slacking off so much.
This past weekend, ACF had their annual fall retreat. The first ACF retreat I went to was really great. I didn't think it could have been beaten. But this retreat proved me wrong. Thanks to Roger, everyone in that room was changed.
Jesus doesn't care if you do your devos, serve him on the worship team or any of that.
That was the wake-up point for everyone when Roger said that. The thing that he said next got to me. Roger said that Jesus had nothing. He had no money, job, family and even clothes. So the kicker here is that we are all trying to be like Christ, but just by looking at ourselves we are far from being like Him. Jesus had no clothes and look, we all are wearing Nike, Chanel, and a bunch of other famous brands of clothing. At that point, I just thought to myself: "Should I take off all my clothes then?" Obviously I wouldn't have done it or else everyone in that room would have poked their own eyes out, lol. But it did get me thinking that we are no where close to being Christ-like. As well, Roger said that most of the love we give to Jesus is not the same love that He wants from us. And that is true, for me anyways. All these things were like a kick to the crotch or a slap in the face. It was a wake-up call. And hopefully it didn't go off too late for me. I've wasted my time asleep and dreaming that I have been doing the right things, and loving for the right reasons. But now I am fully awake and loaded with a life supply of caffine in my system. So thank you ACF and God for this awakening.

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