Did you know that hearing starts off as sound waves, then vibration waves and lastly fluid waves? In case you didn't know, now you do! Yeah, that was kind of random because I didn't know how to start off the blog. And since I learned about hearing in Physiology, I decided to enlighten those people that didn't know about it.
Anyways, so you must be guessing why this blog is titled "Hearing". Well, I was at pray meeting and was talking to Yun Ping about being able to hear God talking to you. From what I learned, everyone has a different way of communicating to God. Some people are able to actually talk to God and hear His voice. But how do they actually know it's God's voice and not just their own brain telling them what they want/need to hear? Personally, I don't really know when God is speaking to me. I haven't actually experienced this talk with God yet. Maybe God has been talking to me and I'm just too dumb to realize that. I don't know, can you really distinguish between your own thoughts to God talking to you? I'm pretty sure a lot of people have and still talk to God. I just want to know how they know it's Him. Maybe time is what is needed for a person to realize it.
Yun Ping gave a good way of explaining. Say you like a girl/guy and you know a lot about her. You know what he/she likes to eat, watch, hear, smell, feel, etc. By that time, you'd probably know the sound of her voice without seeing her. That's probably the way it is with God as well. It takes time to get to know someone and then find out that you like that person and then you get all these weird sense. It will take time to get to know God, love God and eventually able to hear him. So I guess I don't have to stress about being able to hear Him or not yet. If I am to be able to hear God's voice, I will one day. And hopefully everyone will be able to do the same if they don't already!
In Christ,
haha that is such a Yun-Ping thing to say...
but i guess it's pretty true...
also with time and stuff, continued listening makes hearing God's voice easier as you choose to be more sensitive to Him..
keep praying! ^_^
take care
wow. that is a very good analogy. that's is definitely a very relatable way of explaining it. kudos to Yun Ping
the one way you know for sure it is God's voice is when it lines up with God's Word :D God's Word is His will for us...
So if you are walking down the street, and He is like...Jeff go talk to that person on my behalf...well, you know it is God's Word to, "be an ambassador for Christ"...so that's God's voice.
God seldom speaks audibly in that deep voice (haha)...but He does speak often to our hearts through the Holy Spirit. Be quiet. You can usually hear it! Keep listening..hehe...
iunno, for me i really know it's God when A) it lines up with his Word and B) is something i really don't want to do. Why would my brain make up something for me to do that i hate? lol~ i figure it that way. Sometimes i'm less pwned and get something i don't mind doin' of course. Sometimes i wonder if we can go wrong by following the Word as best we can. i figure the Spirit will tell me if i'm wrong. lol~ the onus is on God, lol~ no, not really now that i look up the word, but kinda~ I'm kinda dumb and do need him to show me~
btw, i like to ask for signs when i'm not sure. God does that kinda stuff =]
awww that's so cool/cute
but yah, don't stress...I think at one point you'll just know(?) that God's speaking to you. He speaks in different ways...sometimes like Gloria was sharing to my small group yesterday about how the words on t he title of a book in a store just "popped" out at her like..the animation on a powerpoint slide!!! lol.
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