Saturday, June 24, 2006

So not much has happened really these past few days. Friday night my cousin called me up and took me to Jack Astors for a drink. He also gave me some protein shake powder so that I can game some weight and finally force me to workout. Thank Tony for the stuff, smells just like chocolate milk powder, yummy!

Today I walked the dog a total of 4 times before 2pm. The first was the routine morning walk so he can get rid of his waste. The next one was when he woke up from a nap and we were waiting for people to come look at the house. We waited for a while and it seemed like Simba couldn't hold in his pee any long so I took him out for a quick one. Came back and waited a bit more and finally they came to see the house. Afterwards when they left, the real estate office called and said there was going to be another group coming to see the house in a few minutes. So that meant I had to take Simba out to walk again. This time was a lot longer and Simba started to get irritated and I had to, in the end, carry him home.

Parents and sisters went out this morning to the real estate office to talk about an offer someone put for our house. They signed a conditional contract just in case someone else wants to buy the house. Meh, I don't really care anymore, but the price was kind of low that they offered.

Yeah, this is a short one because it's so early in the day. Oh yeah, going to get my G license on August 8th. Need to start driving some more now, sigh. Such a rush to get this done.

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